Our Story

If cheesecake were sent on a mission to find a place to settle it’d be in none other than New York. Greatly known for being the empire state, home of the Empire state building, along with cheesecake being the state dessert, New York is most famous for the New York style cheesecake of which many have come to know, like/love, and appreciate in some way shape or form. In many cases this dessert is served plain but can take on many forms and flavor profiles adding to it’s appearance and taste.
Born and raised in NYC I’ve equated foods such as baked goods and desserts as being equivalent to the life and blood of the city; contributing to its art, culture, and creativity. As a kid I was often driven back by almost anything having to do with dairy or certain things that came together to make a finished product containing them, cheesecake included. Introduced to our household by my sister, she began making them occasionally using pre made short cut approaches.

While her cheesecakes were liked by many, my interest for them wouldn’t occur until my teens. On the evening of a celebration for a family member I helped myself to a slice, not knowing that I would eventually become a lifelong fan of this staple dessert, good in taste and rich in texture.
Current & Future Endeavors

Denver being my home away from home has presented me with many challenges and obligations all the while meeting amazing people along the way, and while we may find passion in doing for others everyday or at specific times, a time eventually comes where one embarks on a new journey turning self-created passions into reality.
Empire Cheesecake aims to provide customers with the unique homemade tasting cheesecake, utilizing the best quality ingredients while maintaining freshness of all flavors incorporated. Artisan and authentic each cheesecake is made from scratch and by hand; oven baked, chilled, and boxed from start to completion. A homemade variety of what was once considered to be a lost art.

Piquing my interest to make a simple cheesecake was the easy part. Incorporating fresh ingredients and utilizing alternative flavors; with decent presentation would be the most challenging. I embarked on a mission to learn as much as I could all throughout high school and college challenging myself, baking from scratch with the best quality and freshest ingredients to creating various flavored good tasting cheesecakes.